Saturday, March 3, 2012


Just a little something I wanted to share:

To love yourself is to know exactly makes you happy...what makes you content...what makes you love others with so much intensity that you even believe it is too good to be true. We go through our lives experiencing different levels of love. It's these experiences that help us grow into love. And when the time comes, we then want to share our love with others. We want them to to feel just as happy...content...and most importantly, loved. True, not all experiences involving love are happy. Sometimes we are so hurt by others interpretation of love that it hurts deep down in our core. We the get to a point where may never want to love again. We put up a wall and the desire to love is then lost. Notice I said lost...not gone forever. When something is lost , it has the potential to be found but it requires patience. But when it is found, it's like finding a treasure. That's exactly what love is...a treasure. When you find a treasure you want to hold on to it forever.  What makes love worth it is the fact that it is returned...shared with no doubts, fears or questions. Love is given equally and freely...and without shame or embarrassment. When you are at the point in your life where love gives you that "glow" , then that is when it's real and you should never that it for granted. Love is an amazing experience and it is my prayer that everyone has it in their lives.