Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Different Me

I sat back today and took a look at my life. I found that there are things that I want to do but haven't. Not exactly sure why I keep putting it on hold but I decided that will no longer be the case. "It's time" is what I told myself.

For the last 2 weeks I have been sick and during the course of that time I had 3 different illnesses. All of that had taken its toll on me and I was very tired physically. Now that I am doing much better I feel that it's time that I start to enjoy my life....I mean really enjoy it. Not that I hadn't been enjoying my life but to go do all of those things I want to do that have been waiting on ME.

I've been in a shell of sorts and it has protected me from a lot but if I don't experience the bumps and bruises in life how can I know what it feels like and how to heal from it. The only answer to that is to remove the shell. Even band aids have to come off after awhile, right.

So today I want to introduce you to who I truly am. I want to introduce you to...... A Different Me :o)

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